Beyond Vaccines: Preventing Respiratory Infectious Disease in Animal Care Facilities
(Please note that some content may refer to our original name, PetAirapy.)
January 18, 2018

PetAirapy founder, Annette Uda, will be part of the upcoming International Boarding & Pet Services Association (IBPSA) Pet Care Business Education Week happening January 22–26, 2018. On Thursday, January 25, Annette presents “Beyond Vaccines: Preventing Respiratory Infectious Disease in Animal Care Facilities”.
Dog flu, canine cough, and other infectious diseases can shut down a facility for weeks – and potentially impact your business indefinitely. Even if you have vaccine protocols in place, preventing respiratory infectious disease must be a multi-pronged strategy to protect the health of your pet clients and the financial health of your business. In this session, Annette goes beyond vaccines to discuss other strategies including how to keep the surfaces and the air in your facility sanitized.
For details on all of the online sessions happening during IBPSA’s Pet Care Business Education Week, and how you can register to attend, visit