Industry News
Zone360X Fetches Big Award for Indoor Air Quality
Aerapy Animal Health’s marquee upper air unit, the Zone360X, was a big winner in [...]
World Zoonoses Day
On July 6, 1885, Louis Pasteur administered the first rabies vaccine in a person, [...]
Study Says UV-C Beneficial Disinfection Method for Veterinary Hospitals
A new study published in American Journal of Veterinary Research (AJVR) sought “to determine [...]
PetAirapy Is Now Aerapy Animal Health
We’re excited to announce that PetAirapy is now Aerapy Animal Health. As we make [...]
New Coronavirus Jumps from Dogs to People?
In a study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases on May 20, 2021, [...]
Pigeon Loft Infection Control
While dogs and cats are the usual subjects of concern for PetAirapy clients, when [...]
UV Light and Preventing the Spread of Infectious Disease
In the new issue of Pet Boarding & Daycare Magazine, PetAirapy founder Annette Uda [...]
Clean Air Spotlight: Design Learned, Inc.
When infected animals cough, sneeze, or shed dander, they release pathogens into the air [...]
The PetAirapy Name is Evolving (But the Mission Stays the Same)
In 2021, PetAirapy will be rebranded as Aerapy, the brand name for our UV [...]
Upper Respiratory Infections in Animal Shelter Decreased with UV Air Disinfection
PetAirapy is proud to announce a study conducted at the Arizona Humane Society using PetAirapy [...]